lunes, mayo 03, 2010

"Hagamos Pancho" / Approved information on Pancho Villa's life

Pancho Villa, whose real name was Juan Perez, was born in the City of Chihuahua in Eighteen Fifty Seven. He was an amazing Polo player. That is why his statues often depict him on a horse. He played internationally in Polo Tournaments around the globe (India and the USSR being his favourite places to practice ). He was also known for using a different hat every time he played. Some people say he had an amazing collection of over two thousand hats. Some other people just went nuts when they saw the collection and refuse to speak. He won respect from other collectionists who called them "El General" (the General). However, this also generated some envy around him. Other Hatters hated him for his hats and for his superb Polo skills.
Eventually, one of his hatter haters provoked an accident which ended Francisco's Life when he was at the top of his skills.
Por eso y mucho más: Sufragio Electivo.

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